Does refurbished computers have warranty and how long is it?


Refurbished computer have warranty period and it depends on who is the seller. Most of the time the warranty period is  between 90 days and one year.

The best option is to get the warranty from the manufacturer (Dell, Apple, Lenovo, etc.) and not the seller. It is much safer and usually has a longer time frame.

The length of the warranty period depends on the age of the device, the refurbish category and the seller. Current generation models sold on official sites tend to get the original warranty, while older ones have shorter period or 90-day return policy.

The number one rule is: read the warranty! If it’s not clear – ask the seller.

Warranty periods by seller

Sellers Warranty
Apple 1 year limited; 14 day return
Dell Outlet 1 year standard
Dell Refurbished 100 days
Lenovo 1 year standard
Acer 1 year (new open box); other – 90 days;
HP 1 year limited
Amazon 90 days return policy
Best Buy Mac – 90 days; Other 12 – 18 months
Microsoft 1 year limited
Newegg 90 days limited; 30 days (third party sellers)